Thursday, 16 June 2011

Are E Cigarettes Legal?

The short answer is yes, E-Cigarettes are legal in the UK. In fact, they are becoming more popular because they are legal to smoke inside bars not to mention cheaper. The electronic cigarette (“E-Cig”) is one way smokers are evading the ban on smoking in public places since they do not emit harmful second-hand smoke like conventional cigarettes. However, the legality of the E Cigarette is not so clear cut throughout the world.

The popularity behind electronic cigarette largely stems from the similar appearance, taste and feel of the conventional cigarette but without containing tobacco and related harmful substances. A factor in its legality is that smokers can get the smoking experience and nicotine without exposing anyone, including themselves, to the harmful chemicals of second-hand smoke from conventional cigarettes. Because they are tobacco-free, E-Cigarettes can be legally smoked in public venues where conventional cigarettes may not.

Another important legal aspect of the E Cigarette is its proper designation as an alternative to smoking and not a smoking cessation device. This is largely a matter of regulation by various organizations, including the World Health Organization which has not yet approved e-Cigarettes as “nicotine replacement therapy” due to lack of clinical testing. Introduced in 2004, electronic cigarettes are used by thousands in Europe and other regions who appreciate the alternative to smoking conventional cigarettes.

One of the primary differences between conventional cigarettes and the electronic cigarette is that the E Cigarette allows users to enjoy the behavioral aspect of smoking (social factors, puffing, etc.) but without exposure to tobacco. Technology involving e-Cigarettes continues to advance making it even more satisfying a smoking alternative and legal in the UK and many other regions around the world. Electronic cigarettes have developed throughout the years so that they presently overcome the legal obstacles surrounding conventional cigarettes.

Still fairly new to the market, the legality of the E Cig could change as regulation and medicinal trappings evolve; but, to date, it is legal to purchase and sell electronic cigarettes in the UK. They offer a feasible alternative to overcome the ban on smoking tobacco-containing cigarettes in public places. Of course, not to be overlooked is the fact that electronic cigarettes are tobacco-free and therefore eliminate some of the adverse effects of conventional cigarettes. With this in mind, the legality of the E-Cigarette could prove to be a non-issue in other parts of the world as the market grows and they become more popular as a smoking alternative.

Please read another article - Do E Cigarettes help in quit smoking

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