Monday, 6 June 2011

Refills Make An Electronic Cigarette More Interesting

E Cigarette users normally need to have refills, so if you are new to it, you should be aware how to get it refilled. Your smart selection will enable you to have better and healthier life; you will be proud one day when you tell others that you are now enjoying a nicotine free life. It's very easy to get the cartridge of an E Cig refilled with the choice of your flavours, sometimes people love to have change on each refill.

You can refill it with a dripper method or use syringe to inject the eliquid into the cartridge. It's the level of vapours you leave for electric cigarette that determine whether you need a refill or not yet.

1. This is the first method for refilling of e cigarette. It's not only slower but just a little carelessness from your end can end up to a liquid spill here and there. Before filling liquid to it, you need to open the cartridge. Take off the cap with some tool etc. and drip in a few drops one by one into it one by one. The position of the cartridge should be horizontal or you can have difficulty in dropping right into opening. It will get soaked as you keep on dropping liquid in it, keep on dropping but a few drops at a time and let them absorb in it. You may need to repeat it many times till the cartridge gets saturated. Keep on dropping carefully and you will get a complete refilled e cig ready for you. Sometimes it is over filled so if it is the case, you can take a few drops out to maintain a normal quantity. Close the opening of the cartridge when you are finished refilling it. Set it to the electronic cigarette again and here you go.

2. As compare to the dripping method the second is a lot easier and you will feel comfortable refilling it. In addition to the liquid you will need a syringe to take liquid and inject it to the cartridge. You can easily control the liquid spilling so it is the better way to do it. It takes much less time and efforts to get it done. You will need a small tweezers or screwdriver to get off the rubber cap from the cartridge. Take the bottle, inject the syringe in it and have the precisely exact quantity needed to refill it. You will have to insert the syringe from the opening enough deep that you should almost reach to the bottom. Inject all the material into the cartridge and replace the rubber cap on its place tightly once you get it refilled. It takes hardly a minute or so to complete it making it the most popular refilling method. If you see any leftover liquid in the syringe you can put it back for next refilling. The syringe should be washed with plain water after use, so that you can use it many times. You can exactly control the quantity to put into the cartridge in this refilling technique. If you have kids at home, you need to be careful in handling and storing syringe.

You can keep on experimenting with new flavours available in the market which is the strongest advantage of getting electronic cigarette refilled.

Please read another article - Electronic Cigarettes - The Healthiest Change For Smokers

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